
Best Dating advice I ever had…

I’m such a hoarder in the moment I start dating someone, by hoarder I mean I can´t stop talking about this and that, and what the guy does, etc.…probably I drive insane my closest friends, but I became a Sherlock Holmes of shredding all the possible tracks that drop me out of the single life, needles to say, I am single AF… I try my best to chill out, I mean I am happy with the single life, but I became I psycho of dating once I am in, the truth is I don´t follow my own advice, I keep telling my friends that when you are destined to be with someone the things will flow and be smooth, and I think is totally true, I read once that if the guy like you, he will show it and if he don´t, you´ll be confuse, and this is the simplest thing ever, is like the resume of all this dating advice that have you ever receive.  I think most of the times women want to force things a little, make it work, when doesn´t even make sense. The last time I dated someone, we keep flirting over 6 months, ...

The ugly truth

Hope everyone remember the episode where one of Carries boyfriend's shock’s Miranda with the ugly truth that the guy she dated will probably will never call her again, and he was mostly right. I have a colleague at work with who I will run into every time I am dating someone, he is tremendously honest and not hold his tongue at all. So telling you this, I came   shameless to show him a convo with a guy I texted on tinder, cause’ I am really into him, he add me on facebook, chat a little bit and later I chicken out and stop the convo, (I know, I am dumb but I don’t know how to date anymore). So I was trying to figure it out if I should text him back, he read the conversation and he told me , -you are to fucking desperate-, you shouldn’t go after him, you should wait that he comes back to you, that completely shocked me, what he would be saying this? So in disbelief I asked exactly what did I do. He’s reply:   is only one line, but you give him all your c...

Do I may want to have kids one day?

Looks like what happens with women body is public opinion, not having kids as a choice of living have been coming to terms, since some decades ago and some people are embracing it and some other are outraged, because according to science, society and nature the body is created for reproduction. Is a right assumption I think for any perspective, but we have evolved to the point of not having control of birth to the point to chose when, with who, how many, single or married? so now the big question it is, Do I may want to have kids one day? I like kids don´t get my wrong but I don´t die over them, I spend time with my nephews, what so ever I get tired of them and put my distance, my mind goes wild with the anxiety to deal with tantrums, thinking to waking up early to feed someone get out my nerves and to even think to left something aside to cover the needs of someone like a kid drives me insane, mostly scared but insane also. My mind doesn´t comprehend when I flip so bad to the i...

Why loving in the millennial era is so hard??

Within the past few years I have had in my toughs that if you are meant to be with someone the ¨things¨ easily goes by, no weird stages or mixed messages, you are the in the place where you need to be. As a 27 years old single woman, I am starting to doubt myself, maybe love is a little bit hard now, and if you want to love someone who is worthed you should fight for it. I come and go about this mixed feeling about relationships all day, I haven´t been dating to much this past year, competition is fierce out there, I am not a teenager anymore and society and boys make me feel that I am quite old yet, my love field drops to guys past 35 years, first because I consider guys my age pretty dumb or because they have their eyes in someone else. Also reviewing different opinions from people around my social circle make me pin point something very shocking, most of the people we are single in this age or even older, we are pretty fucked up, we have been in hard relationships, our trust...

The NYE frustation

When I was younger I used to make all this kind of weird things that people do to ensure your NYE wishes will be come true, but no one talk about doing things yourself and became this wishes true. As I get older I’ve had realize that NYE resolutions and wishes are more like “fantasy” they mostly will be forgotten and we will be almost the same person frustrated AF because we didn’t accomplish nothing and probably we also going to be fatter than past year…sad. But…I mean I have dreams on the daily basis that I would like to accomplish and wishing and dreaming is a good thing, I had this tough that we vibe with the universe and if we are meant to be this will bring things to us, but I am not excusing me for being lazy, making things happened require determination also…but how often are we in liberty to do the activities we want? Job and everyday life are a hard thing to do, you have responsibilities before dreams most of the times, I read once that the only thing stopping you...

Hormones & discrimination: Women against women.

I would like to get some series  about what represent to be discriminated for been a girl, like the different scenarios that I had unfortunately I had experience in misogyny and sexism from both women and males. When I was a child I never tough of sexism, I used to think that we for sure live in a very advanced era, I had never suffer discrimination for being a girl, I was a very intrepid kid, supper competitive and sporty, even I used to play soccer with boys, never heard a comment in disagree, but men how things change… The first shallow of disbelief of my empowerment start in work, I start to see or hear very “polite” and “soft” comments about what can or shouldn’t do because you know I am a girl and later the first man of my dreams, my dad once ask me if I didn’t have to go to make food? It’s late!...oh man I feel very surprised that my dad a very open minded guy tell me to leave his house because I have to go to make a duty of “girls”, I was shocked. But later I go...

Episode 3: Going solo to the movies.

So I’ve running around this idea of going solo to the movies for ages (well really for months) but I was so skeptical and mostly afraid to go, because I couldn’t stop thinking about what people will think when they see me A-L-O-N-E, I didn’t want to endure the “look” on their faces. But since my friends are too busy with their boyfriends or girlfriends, work or not having money to have a life, lately I feel I been outskating myself from the world they live in, I live by myself and I had jumped to another level of adulthood since then. So this past Saturday I wake up thinking about going to the cinema alone, I said to myself why I should miss another movie because no one is around??   Like why?? So I check the schedule for the afternoon and I select a decent hour where is not much people around, I chicken myself out like 10 times, I even text a friend looking for company but the bitch didn’t replay so I said “No more excuses” I am going, I didn’t want to feel like a loser alon...