Episode 3: Going solo to the movies.

So I’ve running around this idea of going solo to the movies for ages (well really for months) but I was so skeptical and mostly afraid to go, because I couldn’t stop thinking about what people will think when they see me A-L-O-N-E, I didn’t want to endure the “look” on their faces.
But since my friends are too busy with their boyfriends or girlfriends, work or not having money to have a life, lately I feel I been outskating myself from the world they live in, I live by myself and I had jumped to another level of adulthood since then.
So this past Saturday I wake up thinking about going to the cinema alone, I said to myself why I should miss another movie because no one is around??  Like why?? So I check the schedule for the afternoon and I select a decent hour where is not much people around, I chicken myself out like 10 times, I even text a friend looking for company but the bitch didn’t replay so I said “No more excuses” I am going, I didn’t want to feel like a loser alone, so I dress up very casually yet cute, because I am not going alone because I am ugly right? (Hahahahaha….well who knows).
So time was up, I arrive to the cinema, ask for a ticket and the cashier ask me with a doubt face, almost screaming the fuck of her lungs. ! Only ONE ticket!??? –! Yes, only ONE! – (Thanks for the humiliation in advance (Sincerely no one hear I think, but this was necessary?).
The candy bar was super full so I even I arrive on time to the cinema I manage to get late to the movie, so I walked in and I sit in the first row but the place didn’t like it and I move on to the middle when the movie was already playing, I select Megalodon for the oncoming experience, Jason would cure my loneliness with his amazing abs, I had an annoying couple in the back of my sit, that make comments about why I was alone (Sincerely I didn’t tough that someone would make it, but once I heard them talking about been planted I said !fuck you! on my head and give to fucks about them).
It was nice, not a frighten movie, I enjoyed it to be honest, wish it did had more content, I eat my nachos loudly (Not really but I feel like everyone can hear me eat and  I spill some soda on me) I mean the feeling of been watched never go away but didn’t bother me too much, my only concern is I could fall sleep, since a few years ago for no reason, I fall sleep very often at the movies, not because the movies are boring or bad, it just happened to me out of the blue (I know I am starting to getting old !SAD!).
So I really like it a lot, had to say it, maybe I’ll start doing it more, because it was nice, It wasn’t too weird, everything was in my head, I don’t think is a very common thing on girls and maybe the people look at you in doubt, but besides the annoying teenage couple I don’t think someone be rude.
My recommendations if you are going to go SOLO is:
1.       Pick up an early hour when there is no much people, if you don’t feel to empower to do it, less faces, less kids, etc.
2.       Dress nice to feel nice, is like a date with yourself, you fucking worth it and feel more comfortable about been alone.
3.       Pick a simple snack that you can carry yourself, it gets complicated to get the ticket out of the pocket with a super combo in the hands.
4.       Enjoy the experience, even if the people is watching or making comments who cares.
5.       Pick a not so crowded cinema if you don’t want to bump in to anyone like I did.


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