Hormones & discrimination: Women against women.

I would like to get some series  about what represent to be discriminated for been a girl, like the different scenarios that I had unfortunately I had experience in misogyny and sexism from both women and males.
When I was a child I never tough of sexism, I used to think that we for sure live in a very advanced era, I had never suffer discrimination for being a girl, I was a very intrepid kid, supper competitive and sporty, even I used to play soccer with boys, never heard a comment in disagree, but men how things change…

The first shallow of disbelief of my empowerment start in work, I start to see or hear very “polite” and “soft” comments about what can or shouldn’t do because you know I am a girl and later the first man of my dreams, my dad once ask me if I didn’t have to go to make food? It’s late!...oh man I feel very surprised that my dad a very open minded guy tell me to leave his house because I have to go to make a duty of “girls”, I was shocked.

But later I got a very nice job in a A class factory full of boys, for sure and I will sound sexist but sometimes is more easy to go along in the day with boys in an office, no drama no envy no bad looks (most part of the time), the troubles started when more girls start to work there, thriving for the attention of the engineers….I got disappointed again I was convinced that my female coworkers where mind stetted in work and in develop her careers, but little did I know that their most caverned instinct  were floating above, they didn’t want competitors at work and they didn’t want competition for boys or their attention.

Besides that all most of my female colleagues didn’t seem to be so much in to it, but there it was one, very crazy girl not only brain washing the other females she was trying to control everyone, she was very hormonal and had this childish attitude towards anything that she didn’t like her (and with hormonal I mean that attitude you have in the period days, like psychotic and bipolar, because yes we all have and Is part of our nature, don’t denied it please).

Stating this I have heard several histories from both male and female friends about this crazy woman bosses and the nightmare that represent but that when they were simple coworkers didn’t present anything of this crazy behavior and the end they mostly get fired, like power sets free this king of poisoning attitude?

I sometimes fear myself that when we are not in control of ourselves in a very mixed environment the men’s have right to tell us that this is not our place that we should be in a secured place like a home making food and taking care of children’s that is not bad but Is not much kind of a choice this days.  That leads me to think that the lack of control of emotions crash us down.

At the end I broke up any kind of relationship with the crazy women of the factory and she start to get everyone against me with very nasty rumors, at the end didn’t matter because I was looking for a job in another place already and I leave as soon as I could. The main problem for her is that I was more very good looking than her, I had a lower position at her and I used to dress nicer, someone even say once that I looked like a boss and she didn’t, she just was lazy with her looks, that comment make her angrier.

I still talk to people from the place and the only thing I can hear  from them is that this girl is out of control, maybe she get fired and for me…. I am happy that no one torn me down, that I had a nice etic of work and I am in peace where I work now.

At in the end this things don’t matter in work and she lost her pat and is ruining all her hard work, because I believe she had to face many things to get there in a space designed in society for boys and she decided to focus in something else.

The most important thing that someone will have to face as a woman is to get respected not feared.


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