Hormones & discrimination: Women against women.
I would like to get some series about what represent to be discriminated for been a girl, like the different scenarios that I had unfortunately I had experience in misogyny and sexism from both women and males. When I was a child I never tough of sexism, I used to think that we for sure live in a very advanced era, I had never suffer discrimination for being a girl, I was a very intrepid kid, supper competitive and sporty, even I used to play soccer with boys, never heard a comment in disagree, but men how things change… The first shallow of disbelief of my empowerment start in work, I start to see or hear very “polite” and “soft” comments about what can or shouldn’t do because you know I am a girl and later the first man of my dreams, my dad once ask me if I didn’t have to go to make food? It’s late!...oh man I feel very surprised that my dad a very open minded guy tell me to leave his house because I have to go to make a duty of “girls”, I was shocked. But later I go...