Episode 1: Love in the Whatssap Era.
I never realize until now, how hard human relations are, as you get older people seem to be more intricate, they have been hurt, they had loved and get lost, and the list goes on, pure tragedy. I work more than 60 hours a week, so when I’m at home I sincerely never leave, I’m tired all the time and I'm only 26 years old, I know pathetic, but when I put a feet on a bar or go crazy and spend the night out I feel so out of zone, like if getting someone to speak with me I had to look so magnificent, I’m not ugly but I’m sorry I’m not going to put tons of makeup and high sexy vamp high heels, I know attitude counts but if I go out I want to take a big dinner, (usually sushi or greasy snacks) and drink beer like a Viking, so please someone tell me that is not the reason I’m alone. I just want to be myself, natural, casual, funny and people is just there, men are out there looking for younger preys, because sorry ladies, but 26 is old now and that’s sad, I can recall when we...